At my Art Club in Utrecht (kunstliefde) there is an exhibition from "Belofte 4" i.e. Promising 4.
In there was some amazing work from Roos van der Heiden. She makes installations with insects in them. They are mostly called "Worst case scenario #." I actually never saw an installation made around insects.
I bought "Worst case scenario 4" and #5. After e-mailing her she promised she would deliver some spare parts in the form of dead bees and flies.
The artists statement:
Bird's parch in backdoor gardens.
The driver searches for a spot to park his car.
A chicken wonders where her leg has gone.
Wood stacks in front of the house.
I buy a loaf of bread and pick up the parched bird
I watch the driver and the empty parking spot.
The chicken lays her last egg en I take my soldering iron.
Wood is in the wheelbarrow and will hang from the ceiling later on.
What would be the faith of a pigeon in a cage whose owner has died a few weeks ago?
Why are there so many recreational facilities and are we bored to death?
I would like to lure a mouse with a piece of chewing gum.
What I make has a trail of events from which I do not question the purpose or aimlessness.
In my thoughts I stroll from memory to experience and from materialisation to frustration.
And pictures:
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