In my blog I use her name often to distinguish between fairs which just show the easy art for above the couch(Primavera, Eindhoven) and fairs which also show more controversial art. (ArtAmsterdam , ArtRotterdam)
This is not without a reason in stead of just questioning she acts. Probably her most controversial project was killing her own cat and making a purse out of it.

An other one was saving 61 male-chickens out of the bio-industry, however threatening to put them into a shredder if the chickens weren't bought from her. about 10 were bought...
A third one was making a cat/dog from the fur of a cat and a dog. Inside out the dog became a cat and the other way around.

Mostly because of the first performance she got hate mail. About 100000 hate mails did she get. So what does a artist like TINKEBELL. with 100000 hate mails?
She makes a book out of them. Together with Coralie Vogelaar she took about thousand
of these mails and went looking for information about the ones who sent the on the Internet. Coralie described it as searching in "the armpit of the Internet"
The result is a 700 page book full of hate mail and pictures and texts from the ones who sent those e-mails which were picked from the Internet.
The question rises whether it's illegal to create a book with copyrighted hate mails, Internet based texts and photo's. Yes it probably is. No one mentioned in the book however tried to get the book out of the market by a court decision.
So you can still buy your own copy. Therefore look here.
And what was my action? I bought the book the first day it was published. I wasn't the only one. They were for sale in the booth at ArtAmsterdam from the Gallery representing her. It was sold out the same day. The following days people kept asking for the book both at the booth but also at the information desk of the fair.
Some remarks afterwards: Her cat she killed was maltreated by the previous owners and was behaving at least strange. Most people would have taken the cat to the vet to have it killed. TINKEBELL. isn't most people.
The male chickens' destination was the shredder before they were "rescued" by TINKEBELL. This happens all the time in the Netherlands.
Finally a link to a youtube movie about the Popple (the dog/cat). (In Dutch but pictures speak for themselves.)
A link to an English article from a Dutch paper.
Dearest Tinkebell has sold out !
ReplyDeleteThe Photoshop van Coralie Vogelaar is nog te koop, zie marktplaats!