For the exhibition look here
Below you see Sanneke Duijf's artist's statement for her graduation work.
This site is related to the work.
Keep the change:
Visual Social Interaction in the Age of Digital Communication
Our fast society might need a different pace to engage oneself and another. People get more inventive when they are challenged and placed in unknown situations. Designed interventions in our daily life, could bring a pause & reflect.
What is happening now in the Design World, is that business is being exposed to art expressions and art is being commercialised; this creates new situations, interpretations and interfaces. I have chosen to use this occasion to design forms of social engagement.
I can’t change people and I can’t change behaviour. However, I can create places in space, and I can create exercises that convey learning moments, stimulate reflection and activate awareness. All of these, I hope will bring about positive behaviour and empowerment to the individual.
In times like these, when a worldwide economical crisis has suddenly emerged, it is an opportunity for us to open our eyes and genuinely see what is there; it is a chance to
reform, rather than hastily attempting to take control by way of old patterns. There is a reason why things accumulate – it is time for change.

If you're wondering about the title: Duijf means pigeon.
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