I'm still trying to catalogue all my works of art. Before I collected art, I bought irregular but frequently. I jotted nothing down about the works I bought and that's a pity because now I have lots of difficulties to try to find out whom I bought work from and if I know from whom, who she is.
I've got two examples. The first one is Han Mol. I own a print of him. These prints were made to raise money for
TAC (Temporary Art Centre)in Eindhoven. The print is clearly signed so I know his name. But that's really all I know. Googling had no real effect. So I'm gonna ask some people. Maybe they still have information.

In the Tac I really started to collect (at first without being aware of this) and that is where I bought this work (see picture) It's a picture in a small wooden box (15cm x 15cm) and signed "Cathalijne" That's all I know....
It can be worse, next week I'll show some works from someone I don't have a clue who he is.
check www.catootje.com the creator of the work above.
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