In a previous post I said I was in the process of narrowing down m choices . I somehow did.
1. Carla van de Puttelaar I actually decided to buy a photograph from her and I did this Friday. It will take a lot of paperwork to conclude an I need to make space it's 208 x 78 cm but bought is bought.
2. Liselotte Schuppers. A month ago I visited her house and selected two photographs from the Anonymous series. (Superman and Gladiator) She made me a good offer. I took the offer this Friday, but delivery will take place in December 2009. I need to save some money first.
3. Nicky Onderwater: I emailed her for a price query. Prices are stiff but fair, some discount for prints already printed for an exhibition. Hard to choose for these pictures. Result: alas next year she has a better chance. Not enough budget left.
4.Boukje Janssen: she has a group exhibition "...Expectations" during ArtAnsterdam with unknown work. That was not the work I really liked but in the previous post you saw that I did buy one work.
5. Any other artists on ArtAmsterdam I might encounter. I encountered many artists saw many works and bought one from Jantien Jongsma.
I will come back at her when discussing ArtAmsterdam.
6. Janneke Sprenkels: she will be on the Art & design sale at the TAC. Unknown to her she still has a trump card. One of her works is on my want list.
Unbelievable, but that work is still on my want list. I did buy three other (cheaper) works from her.
7. Marleen v/d Heuvel and Liselotte de Groot were also on the Art & design sale at the TAC. But no trump cards here. No trump cards, but their prices were so low I couldn't resist. I bought 3 works from Marleen and 2 from Liselotte.
8. Other artists on the Art & design sale: there was actually one I brought work from. Karlijn de Groot and her sister Liselotte de Groot were sharing a booth. I bought 5 photographs from her.
9. Merel van Beukering wasn't at the sale but I contacted her about some photographs and bought one photograph as stated a few days ago.
10. I found some more options to buy art I wasn't aware a month ago. To avoid more confusion I'll leave them out for now. I also did not use them, although they're very tempting. Maybe later I use them.
These were the original 10, but I found out some more works to buy.
11. I bought a photo through the auction see this post. and I've bid on two more which will end in a month or so. These weren't expected.
12. I bought two installations from Roos van der Heiden which wasn't the intention beforehand.
13. Amanda Besl is back in the picture her Gallery Aeroplastics made a smart move, they offered a payment in installments. Maybe they're reading this blog. :-)
I do have the inclination to buy the high end art and so more expensive work.
I actually did buy 1,2, 4, 5 with high end expensive work, but all with payment in installments or with a late delivery. In the lower end I bought a lot of works but most under 100 euros with a few exceptions. So I still can afford collecting art.
These installments will have effect on my budget for next year, but I thought the same thing last year and I still cope with it easily.
I bought three pictures from Janneke Sprenkels as I stated in #6, from these I publish two pictures with some humor in it:
First: A Game of Chess:

Second: Making eggs.

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