I'm in the process of narrowing down the opportunities:
1. Carla van de Puttelaar I actually decided to buy a photograph from her but as long as I haven't all options are open.
2. Liselotte Schuppers. This Monday I visited her house and selected two photographs from the Anonimous series. (Superman and Gladiator) She made me a good offer.
3. Nicky Onderwater: I emailed her for a price query. Prices are stiff but fair, some discount for prints already printed for an exhibition. Hard to choose for these pictures.
4.Boukje Janssen: she has a group exhibition "...Expectations" during ArtAnsterdam with unknown work.
5. Any other artists on ArtAmsterdam I might encounter
6. Janneke Sprenkels: she will be on the Art & design sale at the TAC. Unknown to her she has a trump card. One of her works is on my want list.
7. Marleen v/d Heuvel and Liselotte de Groot will also be on the Art & design sale at the TAC. But no trump cards here.
8. Other artists on the Art & design sale.
9. Merel van Beukering will not be at the sale but I contacted her about some photographs.
10. This Friday I found some more options I wasn't aware about Thursday. To avoid more confusion I'll leave them out for now.
Still a lot of narrowing down to do...
To make it more interesting a puzzle here.
For each artist I give the price-range for a work I like. All prices are in Euros. The order below is not rally random. With a little knowledge you can crack the code to match the letters with the numbers.
a 2250 to 4950 (want to buy one)
b 850 to 1500 (want to buy two)
c 550 to 975 (want to buy two)
d estimate 300 to 4000 (want to buy at least one)
e estimate 200 to 100000 (want to buy at least one)
f 55 to 425 (want to buy at least one)
g 100 to 200 (estimate)(want to buy at least one)
h more unknown usually under 100 (want to buy at least one)
i estimate 750 (want to buy two)
j 85 to 495 (want to buy two)
The sum is about 16000 euros. (I took some liberty to eliminate the more unlikely buys to create a realistic sum.)
From that amount I can postpone the payment of about 6000 euros to later years. (I know I can make some arrangements with galleries) So that leaves 10000 euros for this year. In my budget is just 3000 euros left...
How Am I gonna choose: First I will go to ArtAmsterdam to Tac and to the exhibition Expectations. There I will decide.
I do have the inclination to buy the high end art and so more expensive work. (i.e. #1,2,4) But that will come a the cost of many lower end and way cheaper works.
The outcome is still unknown.
I'll end the post with the first photograph I bought from Marije Arends in 2005. In the previous post I showed the last three works I bought from her.

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