Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tinkebell again

I just read that the book "Dearest Tinkebell" has been sold out.
On the internet it is sold for 60 euros, the original price was 25 euros.

In a previous post I wrote I bought a copy. I actually bought more copies. Maybe I will sell one to cover my expenses. I don't know yet. One copy I want to give tot my art society in Utrecht "Kunstliefde" (Love for Art) they wil auction or sell it June 20th. Look here for more details.

I don't know yet what to do with my spare copies. I will keep one and probably give away the other ones.


  1. Heb je nog een exemplaar over? Ik heb interesse.

  2. Ik heb nog exemplaren, maar ik denk niet dat ik die ga verkopen. Op marktplaats staan er vast wel te koop.
